About The Certified Housing Educators Association™
The Certified Housing Educators Association’s primary mission is to help local real estate professionals add more value to the homeowners they work with. We teach the teachers. Our Certified Housing Educators are mostly for-profit investors, real estate agents, and real estate brokers. These professionals choose to lead homeowner marketing and conversations with education, not just another sales pitch.

Our certified members receive training on teaching and educating homeowners on all of their options, not just the ones our members can profit from. The Certified Housing Educator who gave you this workbook wants to educate their community and run a successful business. If you find value in this workbook, feel free to share it with people you know, like, and trust. Our goal is to impact over one million homeowners across the world positively.

Thanks to an amazing network of local Certified Housing Educators, we will continue to add value to homeowners through education.
Do You Work With Homeowners That Are Feeling Overwhelmed By The Process Of Selling Their Home?
What If You Could Offer Them A Step-By-Step, Proven Path?

What's Inside

Chapter List

1. Preparing For Your Housing Journey
2. Selling Your Home Roadmap
3. Keeping Your Home Roadmap
4. Perfect Housing Roadmap 3-Step Process
5. Appendix (Checklists, Interview Questions, Planning Sheets, and More!)
How This Workbook Will Benefit YOU and Your Homeowners

It's better to have a guide instead of trying to go it along... right?

Using this workbook will help you avoid some of the biggest mistakes such as...

  •  Making uniformed housing decisions that could cost you thousands
  • ​Using the wrong person to help you sell your home
  • ​Being surprised when large home maintenance expenses come up
  • ​Experiencing indecision when it comes to finding the house of your dreams
  • ​Wasting time and money trying to rehab your home using the wrong plan
  • ​Getting your house under contract only to have the buyer ask to lower the price or back out of the deal at the last minute
  • ​Increased physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual stress because you didn't know all your options

Selling a home isn't the type of transaction people do very often. It can be tough to figure out who to trust and who is really looking out for the homeowners best interest.

By simply reading through this quick guide your homeowner clients will have more knowledge than 95% of homeowners about the options for selling their house and ways to maintain their house if they choose to stay.

Message To Our Homeowner Readers...

This educational workbook was created to "level the playing field" and empower YOU the homeowner. After following the simple 3 step process outlined in this book, you can feel more confident in making the best decision for your situation.
If you are a real estate investor, agent, or broker and are interested in learning more about our certification program, please send an email with your request to the email address below and someone from our team will send you more information. 


Certified Housing Educators Association™

All Rights Reserved 2021